Setup PayU PG on Shopflo

Add PayU API key and Secret key on the Shopflo Dashboard by following the below steps

You can refer to the this document to find PayU API and Secret Key

  1. Navigate to your Shopflo dashboard
  2. Go to settings
  3. Go to payment settings
  4. Click on connect payment gateways
  5. Click on PayU
  6. Add the PayU API key and Secret key as below

Steps to add webhooks on PayU

  1. Go to ⚙️ Settings on PayU dasboard
  2. Go to Webhooks
  3. Click on Create Webhook
  4. Type : Payments
  5. Event : Successful
  6. Webhook URL :
  7. Submit !


For adding webhooks you will have to mail the following details to PayU dev team(


Hii PayU team,

Please add the below Webhook URL  :

store url -   <Your store URL>

Mid: < Payu Merchant id>


Kindly keep in loop when you send the email.