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Enable WebEngage integration on Shopflo Dashboard. Refer below on how to find the correct inputs from WebEngage.
They can be found under Data Platform > Integrations > Rest API in your WebEngage dashboard. Click View. You will find API Key under Project Credentials.
Note: If your license code has ‘~’, put that also on the dashboard
If your WebEngage dashboard link starts with,, then it means that you're using India data center.
Note: Only in that case select the ‘Indian Data Center’ check box on Shopflo dashboard.
Total Price: 1320
Currency: INR
Total Items:2
line_items: ["41892488839333"]
checkoutURL: <>
type: cookie_login
line_items: ["41892488839333"]
name: John Doe
type: cookie_login
checkoutURL: <>
Note: User profile update happens at address submitted event. Parameters updated:
Update on user profile is sent instantaneously from our end. It may take a few minutes for it to reflect on Webengage.